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Product Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do Peptides Do for Skin?

If you’re like most of the population, signs of aging may have already set in. You may be seeing early signs of wrinkles around the eyes or dark spots and be wondering, is it too late?

 The answer is no. It’s not too late—but the sooner begin an anti-aging skin care routine the better. The number one way to reduce the signs of aging—naturally, at least—is to encourage your skin’s production of collagen. That’s where peptides skin care comes into play. Turns out, applying natural peptides for skin topically may increase your body’s production of peptides for skin. While collagen molecules are too large to penetrate the skin, according to Dr. Jwala Karnik, “peptides are small enough to penetrate the skin, and when applied topically, they signal the skin to repair itself.” In response to these signals, your skin may boost its production of collagen peptides.

However, peptides are only a small piece of the puzzle. You must incorporate healthy anti-aging habits into your skin care regimen and day to day lifestyle to help improve your chances of retaining that youthful glow.

It’s true that the best defense is a good offense, and skin care is no exception to the rule. While you can’t stop aging, there are ways to delay the effects of it. Proper anti-aging skin care routines begin at a young age, with the learning of healthy habits that can keep your skin looking its best.

  • Cleanse and moisturize regularly: To keep your skin in good health and looking its best, follow a cleansing regimen that includes regular application of moisturizer.
  • Consider your diet: The things you put into your body have an effect on how your body functions and looks. With that in mind, it’s important to stay hydrated and eat a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
  • Be gentle on your skin: It’s also important to remember that your skin is sensitive, and deserves some TLC. Never pull on your skin, as this can cause further collagen deterioration, and avoid using harsh skin care products that do more harm than good.

What are Copper Peptides?

 Perhaps one of the most powerful topical peptides commonly used in skin care is copper peptides. Copper is something that exists naturally within our bodies, and there’s a direct correlation between copper peptides and many degenerative diseases. Studies show that copper peptides not only promote collagen and elastic production, but also promote production of glycosaminoglycans, a very hard to pronounce word for the family of carbohydrates that maintain and support collagen and elastin. Basically, copper peptides help you not only generate collagen, but also maintain the collagen you generate.

Evidence shows that copper peptides may also encourage your skin to remove damaged collagen and elastin as well, as they engage the systems that are responsible for doing so.

What Change Can I Expect from Peptides Skin Care?

 While many companies boast Botox-like benefits of peptides for skin, reality is, that just isn’t true. Peptides cannot totally eliminate under eye bags, fill out lips, or lift brows. There is some evidence that a small group of peptides, known as neuropeptides, may be able to block signals sent between your nerves and your facial muscles, as Botox does.

However, Dr. Benabio of The Derm Blog explains why this doesn’t mean that neuropeptides will give you the same effect as Botox. “It would be like pouring a small glass of water onto a mattress and expecting it to soak through the underside of your box spring—it’s very unlikely.”

What you can expect from consistent use of peptides for skin is steady firming and smoothing of your skin as it becomes tauter and more elastic. The evidence that supports the relationship between peptides skin care and your body’s generation of natural peptides for skin is pretty overwhelming.

 In some clinical trials of anti-aging serums, as much as 100% of patients reported improvements in the overall appearance of crow’s feet, radiance, and firmness, and 97% experienced overall improvements in fine lines, skin texture, and clarity.

 If you’re interested in maintaining a healthy, smooth complexion, consider the ways peptides skin care can help.